December 23, 2013

What's New Is Old

"This must be their new stuff. It's very retro." —Julie

December 22, 2013


"The market's not ready for you yet, Eric." —Jeff

Life Without Curbside Recycling

Me: Sometimes I wonder if our house would smell better if we didn't hoard our garbage.
Eric: Sometimes I wonder if life would seem better if we didn't refer to it as 'hoarding our garbage.'

Resistance Is Futile

Eric: I'm going to build a temporary structure.
Me: OK
Eric: I like that answer.

November 10, 2013

Announcing the Obvious

"This is a game of some degree of physicality." --Verne Lundquist 

October 21, 2013

Disaster Porn

"My favorite plane crash—and I know it's wrong to have a favorite..." —Mickey


"Some chocolate is better than no chocolate." —Sarah

July 11, 2013

Sophisticated Palate

"The only thing better than chicken in a biscuit is a sour cream and onion Pringle." —Phillip

June 27, 2013

School of Rock Dropouts

"Oh, I know Jack Black." —typical response to our Halloween costume, the White Stripes

Dumb It Down for Me

Chris H: Where are you in relation to Atrox Factory?
Bar employee: You mean how do ya get here from Atrox?

Occupation: It's Complicated

"Either you know you're a landlord or not." —Adam or Eric ?

I've Replaced the Italian Guy

Eric: Too bad no one's here.
Me: I'm here.
Eric: Yeah, but when we're together I feel like we're alone. I guess you've just
become the voice in my head.

Fashion *Plus* Beauty

"I love putting a toboggan on for, like, 5 minutes because it just electrifies
my hair." —Mickey

Telltale Signs

"Nobody except a vampire claps on the 1 and the 3. In parentheses: Al
Gore does it too." —Eric

It Began with Misdemeanor Borrowing

"Is this premeditated lighter-stealing?" —Eric

Had to Write It Down, No Idea What It's About

"Don't go retrospective with your death light." —Eric

How to Heckle a Hipster Jam Band

"Now, yell this out: 'Do it without the iPad!' " —Eric, to me, about Moon Taxi

Life of a 64-Year-Old

"Most of the time, when I'm not trying to figure out who Tyler Perry
is, I'm napping." -- Mickey

Grammar Nazi Corrects Self

"Where the hell is that cold air coming from? ... From where the hell
is that cold air coming?" —Eric