November 14, 2011

A Good Host Blames It on the Guests

"If we run out of food, we'll just say, 'Good God, y'all eat a lot." -Eric

November 03, 2011

Pot Kettle Black

Eric: She called YOU a redneck?
Dawn: Yeah. In her jorts.

I'm Concerned...About Your Manners

Brendhan: Did you get hit in the head with a football?
Jackson: No.
Brendhan: No SIR.


"Beans beans, good for your heart. The more you eat 'em, the more you poot. Beans beans, they're delicious. They're really good. It doesn't have to rhyme. It just has to taste good." -Eric

It's Downhill (Literally) After Kids

"There's only one thing we used to do that we don't do anymore. We don't make our own hashbrowns. We go down to Waffle House." ~Brendhan

It's Football Season Yeah!

Me: I'd move to Auburn. 
Eric: I know you would. Everybody would. We all want to move to Auburn.
(I start writing.)
Eric: It's not worth writing down. It's common knowledge.

Looks First, Then Ability. But Really Just Looks

"It's a shame when they pick cheerleaders just because they are good at it." Eric

1 Out of 1500 Ain't--Well, That's Pretty Bad

"That's the first time I've ever hit someone doing that. I've spent $12 to $15 in pennies flicking them at people." ~Eric