October 27, 2006

Bicker? Us? Never.

Me (reading): ENTPs love excitement and challenge. They are talkative, clever, and good at many things.
Eric: Why are you still reading about ENTPs? We just established that I'm an INTP.
Me: I think this one sounds more like you.
Eric: What type are you? Stubborn-TP?

Overheard at Oak Hill Bar & Grill

Bartender to girl ordering drink: So are you going to keep your shirt on like the rest of our clientele?

Girl in bustier:

It killed me so much, everyone thought I was a lesbian.

Girl in bustier: Everything I knew went out the window.

October 26, 2006

Dear Monster.com...

"I want to design big machines that make snack cakes." ~Eric

October 22, 2006

You Know You're a Grandpa When...

Geoff: That's my favorite Talking Heads song.
Adam: I don't think you're supposed to have a favorite Talking Heads song.

October 14, 2006

It's Game Day...and the Insults Are Flying

"That's that same spin move we saw last week. Didn't need it then. Didn't look like he needed it now either." ~CBS commentator Verne Lundquist

"He's very adept at running with the ball. Not quite as adept at holding on to it." ~Verne Lundquist

October 13, 2006

Or in Floyd's Words, "Remarkably Horrible"

"It was the worst of Barry White and James Taylor all rolled into one skinny white guy." ~Eric, re: the opening band for Wilco